
Donations Delivered to Britepaths

January 14th, 2024
DWCNV SC member and C&E Co-Chair, Caroline Gergel, and Jane Barker, DWCNV Co-Chair, were happy to deliver your many grocery store gift cards and checks to the Britepaths Food
 Bridge Program. These donations will be given to families in need to buy groceries of their own choosing for their family’s dietary needs.  We want to thank members of the DWCNV and Clifton Community who donated to this very worthy organization as part of our Annual Holiday Giving Project Program.  Your generosity is appreciated!


Pictured here from left to right: Brenda Hernandez, Programs Manager; Lisa Whetzel, Executive 
Director, Caroline Gergel, DWCNV SC Co-chair C&E; Jane Barker, DWCNV Co-Chair; Harper Garcia, Community Development Manager.


Annual Meeting and A Save The Date for our 19th Anniversary Celebration

January 12th, 2024





The Democratic Women of Clifton and Northern Virginia (DWCNV) will host our first meeting of the year on Sunday, January 21st, at the Centreville Regional Library (directions) from 3 to 5 p.m. WE NEED YOU TO BE THERE!

This will be our Annual Meeting when we will hear reports from the Steering Committee members. Officers for the Executive Committee (Co-Chairs, Secretary, and Treasurer) will be elected for a two-year term. Let us know if you would like to run for an office or become part of our Steering Committee. Please consider joining to share your ideas and talents.

Our meeting topic will be about the importance of electing Democrats to the Presidency and Congress.  We will have guest speakers and audience participation from members is welcome.  For an informed and lively discussion about how to achieve this goal, we look forward to seeing you on January 21st!


us-capitol with flag

SAVE THE DATE – Sunday, February 11th

Celebrating DWCNV’s 19th Anniversary


Mark your calendars to help DWCNV celebrate our 19th Anniversary on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11th , 3-5 p.m., at the Fairfax Station home of a member.. Members and women guests will be celebrating not only our 19th Anniversary, but also the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. We will have a guest speaker to talk to us about why we must continue working to pass the ERA Amendment. Stay tuned for further details.







Holiday Project Successes! Thanks to our Members and Supporters!

January 6th, 2024

FF Distrubution1-cropped
Both of our Annual Holiday Projects were huge successes again this year.

Donations of checks, gift cards and loads of toys were given to the Fairfax Co. Firefighters and Friends to the Rescue organization.  Toys for the younger kids and gift cards for teens were distributed in December.

FF Distribution3 FF Distribution2
Britepathsdonations will be given to them this coming week and include checks and grocery store gift cards for their clients to use to purchase food items!

Couldn’t do this all without the support of our members and we thank you as well as the many other community members who supported these two very helpful organizations as they bring some holiday cheer to others in need!

FF and Britepaths Gift Gathering

Annual Holiday Projects 2023

October 26th, 2023

Holiday Projects Flier  2023

Oct. 15 Meeting – Separation of Church and State

October 2nd, 2023

The beginning of the First Amendment- called the Establishment Clause reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”. This has always been interpreted as a requirement that there be a separation between Church and State. But just how tall is that wall that is believed to separate Church and State?



SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2023 FROM 3 – 5 PM




BURKE, VA 22015

Come take part in a lively discussion about what separation of Church and State really means.

How separate are Church and State?

What did the Founders intend?

How has the Supreme Court interpreted the Establishment Clause?

Can places of worship maintain their tax-exempt status if they engage in politics? …and much more!


We will also hear from two local candidates – Albert Vega for Springfield District Supervisor and Sandy Anderson for Springfield School Board.

Questions?  Email


DWCNV General Meeting Sept. 10, 2023

September 3rd, 2023

Join us on Sunday, Sept 10th from 3-5pm at the Centreville Regional Library, Room1 for our in person General Meeting. Learn about the 2022-2023 Supreme Court Decisions: What were they, what do they mean for Affirmative Action, Student Loan Forgiveness and Gay Rights? What can we expect from the 2023-2024 term? What will these decisions mean for the future? What cases are on the docket for the October 2023 term? Join the Democratic Women of Clifton and Northern Virginia’s retired attorneys James McCarthy and Barbara Levine for a lively discussion of these and other Supreme Court related issues such as the ethical requirements for Supreme Court Justices and the truth about increasing the size of the Supreme Court.



Democratic Candidate Forum

May 16th, 2023

The DWCNV along with the Springfield District Democratic Committee held the annual Democratic Candidate Forum on Sunday, May 7, at the Clifton Town Hall. The program was a great success with many attendees–all interested in hearing from our 2023 candidates.

Candidates in contested races for Springfield Board of Supervisors, Commonwealth Attorney, State Senate, and House of Delegates all had an opportunity to introduce themselves. The floor was then opened to questions that had been previously submitted by members of the DWCNV and the Springfield District Democratic Committee and were chosen by a panel of three members from each group.  We then heard a little from some candidates in uncontested races. The forum moderator was DWCNV Co-Chair Barbara Levine, and member Barbara Miller was the timekeeper.


We are Celebrating our 18th Anniversary!

February 17th, 2023

18 years ago, the DWCNV was formed and our “Action Committee” set to work helping make this organization a huge, and long-lasting success.  Every year we celebrate our Anniversary and this Sunday, Feb. 19th we will host an online (Zoom) event where we will gather together to “Raise a Glass” to the DWCNV and hear from our Special Guest Speaker,  the Honorable Elaine Luria!  Members  have received information on how to sign up to attend…another good reason for you to become a member of this dynamic organization!  Go here for more info and to sign up to become a member or subscriber:

Annual General Meeting – Jan. 22, 2023 3-5 p.m.

January 12th, 2023
Our first DWCNV meeting of 2023 will be on Sunday, January 22nd. It will be held from 3-5 p.m. via Zoom. This is our Annual DWCNV General Meeting and topic will be 2023 General Assembly Legislation and Issues. This always is a wonderful, educational meeting and again we will hear from several Democratic members of the Virginia Senate and House. They will fill you in on their legislation, what other important legislation is being considered that we should know about, and also take your questions.

Members have been sent an email on how to register to get link for the Zoom meeting – another great thing about being a DWCNV member – you get all our emails!  Let us know if you would like to register by emailing us at

Annual Holiday Giving Projects 2022

November 8th, 2022

Happy Holidays2

It’s time for our Annual Holiday Giving Projects for two very worthy local charities:  Fairfax County Firefighters & Friends to the Rescue Toy and Coat Drive, and Britepaths.  The Firefighters hold coat and toy distributions where many needy local children may select a holiday gift and a new warm winter coat.  Britepaths uses our checks and grocery store gift cards to give to local needy families for food purchases in mid- January to early February, when the need is great and holiday giving has ended.

You do not need to be a member of the DWCNV to donate – all you need is a generous heart!

We will be hosting our Annual Holiday Giving Projects Meeting via Zoom on Sunday, November 20th from 5-7 P.M. 

How You May Donate and Make a Difference 

Willie Bailey

Fairfax Firefighters and Friends to the Rescue Toy and Coat Drive 

To donate to the Firefighter’s Toy and Coat Drive, you may drop off toys, checks and gift cards at two locations in Clifton and one in Herndon by Dec. 6th – contact us for exact drop off locations.  Toys will be given to pre-school and elementary aged school children, and gift cards to stores like Best Buy, WalMart, Target, Amazon, etc., will be given to older children to pick out their own gifts. You may also mail checks – made payable to Fairfax County Firefighters and Friends to the Rescue- to DWCNV, P.O. Box 143, Clifton, VA 20124.  

If you prefer, monetary donations may be made directly online to Firefighters & Friends to the Rescue on their website. Let them know you are donating through the DWCNV.

Deadline for donating to the Fairfax Co. Firefighters & Friends to the Rescue Toy and Coat Drive is December 6th.


Britepaths Donations

Please mail your grocery store gift cards of any amount, or checks made payable to Britepaths to DWCNV, P.O. Box 143, Clifton, VA 20124.   Donations of grocery store gift cards or checks for Britepaths will be accepted until Dec. 31st.Britepaths Logo 


For questions about our Holiday Giving Projects, please contact

We thank you in advance for giving!  You make the world a better place!

Spread the news with our Annual Holiday Giving 2022 flyer.

Happy Holidays!