Members have received invitations to attend our 19th Anniversary Celebration at the home of a member! Check your email for that message and if you are not a member, this is just another reminder of why you should become one! Go to the Join Us page on this website! At the celebration, we will hear from three speakers, celebrate our longevity, eat good food, and enjoy great company!
The correlation of our 19th Anniversary and the 19th Amendment is not lost on us. We are delighted to have Lisa Sales, ERA Advocate and VA NOW President, as a guest speaker. She’ll be speaking to us about next steps toward ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. From conception, the 19th Amendment was meant only to be a stepping stone to women’s full equality, which we have still not achieved today. One hundred years of fighting for the Equal Rights Amendment have passed. Please join us for an update.
Our second speaker will be a representative from the Sen. Tim Kaine campaign and our third speaker will talk about how you can help our Democratic candidates all over the country by writing postcards.
For questions, please email us at