
Archive for the ‘Community’ Category

DWCNV Meeting on the Environment Sunday, April 14, 3-5 p.m. at Centreville Regional Library

Thursday, April 11th, 2024
We have some very exciting news to share for this month’s DWCNV General Meeting. On this Sunday, April 14th from 3 – 5 p.m., we will meet at the Centreville Regional Library and hear from two dynamic and inspirational speakers on the #1 topic that our members want to hear about – the Environment!  We promise this meeting will be full of great information and lots of fun!  It is open to the public, so bring family, friends and neighbors, and share this meeting info far and wide!

Ed Ehlers, the founder of the Resource Recovery Project, will share insights on how you can drastically increase your recovery rate by “Stop Talking Trash!”  Ed will speak about the various items that can be rehomed, reused, repurposed or recycled and kept out of landfills, so come with your questions! He writes: “What we call trash today, is in fact, a resource and has value.  Our disposable economy encourages wasteful habits and the current system of recycling is not working. Recent studies have found that curbside recycling rates are maybe between 18 and 32%. There is no silver bullet, no one answer, but turning our old definition of trash into a resource and handling it accordingly is a place to start.”

Ed has generously offered that those attending the meeting may bring hard to recycle items from your “junk drawer” and give to him to rehome, reuse, repurpose or recycle. Things like “batteries, old eyeglasses, outdated charger cables, empty cosmetic cases, pens, pencils, busted flashlight, stacks of post-it-note pads, a million paper clips, or two million rubber bands, etc.”! Please bring them in a paper bag or small box and get started on your spring cleaning.

Additionally, as part of his dedication to our local community, Ed will speak about the glass collection project he is doing during the month of April. This special collection is in memory of Clifton Resident, Joel Byrne, who ran a glass recycling business while he was a student at Robinson SS.  Joel suddenly passed away in 2023. Read more about Joel here: The goal is to collect 3,000 pounds of glass. All are encouraged to participate – you do not have to be a Clifton area resident to participate!

You may participate by dropping off your clean and dry glass bottles and jars all month long at the following Clifton businesses: The Wine Attic, Virginia Mercantile, GoldensHill Papercrafts, and Belle Jar Design. Additionally on April 20th from 9 -11 a.m. you may drop off at the Caboose in downtown Clifton, by the railroad tracks. Look for the Resource Recovery Pickup truck!

Part of our DWCNV mission is to encourage connections with the local community and the glass collection and Ed’s Resource Recovery work in general does just that! For more information or questions, contact us at

We will also hear from Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District Board Member, Dana Barakat, who will tell us more about what they do to promote soil and water conservation. Their website states: “Our vision is engaged communities working together to protect and restore natural resources. Our mission is to promote sustainable urban and suburban activities and stewardship to conserve our soil, water, air, plants, and animal resources in Fairfax County – vital components of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. We achieve this through effective leadership, technical assistance and outreach programs in partnership with government, industry, non-profit organizations, and the public.

Ms. Barakat was elected in Nov. 2023. As a candidate this was written about her top priorities as reported by the Connection Newspaper in their September 27, 2023 edition, ”education and outreach, which she sees as “vital to embracing environmental stewardship.” She includes educating citizens on storm water mitigation as one area of needed concentration. Another is to provide information on grants and programs offered. She says underrepresented communities tend to lack the information and tools to use the resources that could be available to them, though they are in dire need. Further, she sees education needs to go beyond residents; that “developers must be educated and provided the tools to make better choices.”

Donations Delivered to Britepaths

Sunday, January 14th, 2024
DWCNV SC member and C&E Co-Chair, Caroline Gergel, and Jane Barker, DWCNV Co-Chair, were happy to deliver your many grocery store gift cards and checks to the Britepaths Food
 Bridge Program. These donations will be given to families in need to buy groceries of their own choosing for their family’s dietary needs.  We want to thank members of the DWCNV and Clifton Community who donated to this very worthy organization as part of our Annual Holiday Giving Project Program.  Your generosity is appreciated!


Pictured here from left to right: Brenda Hernandez, Programs Manager; Lisa Whetzel, Executive 
Director, Caroline Gergel, DWCNV SC Co-chair C&E; Jane Barker, DWCNV Co-Chair; Harper Garcia, Community Development Manager.


Annual Meeting and A Save The Date for our 19th Anniversary Celebration

Friday, January 12th, 2024





The Democratic Women of Clifton and Northern Virginia (DWCNV) will host our first meeting of the year on Sunday, January 21st, at the Centreville Regional Library (directions) from 3 to 5 p.m. WE NEED YOU TO BE THERE!

This will be our Annual Meeting when we will hear reports from the Steering Committee members. Officers for the Executive Committee (Co-Chairs, Secretary, and Treasurer) will be elected for a two-year term. Let us know if you would like to run for an office or become part of our Steering Committee. Please consider joining to share your ideas and talents.

Our meeting topic will be about the importance of electing Democrats to the Presidency and Congress.  We will have guest speakers and audience participation from members is welcome.  For an informed and lively discussion about how to achieve this goal, we look forward to seeing you on January 21st!


us-capitol with flag

SAVE THE DATE – Sunday, February 11th

Celebrating DWCNV’s 19th Anniversary


Mark your calendars to help DWCNV celebrate our 19th Anniversary on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11th , 3-5 p.m., at the Fairfax Station home of a member.. Members and women guests will be celebrating not only our 19th Anniversary, but also the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. We will have a guest speaker to talk to us about why we must continue working to pass the ERA Amendment. Stay tuned for further details.







Holiday Project Successes! Thanks to our Members and Supporters!

Saturday, January 6th, 2024

FF Distrubution1-cropped
Both of our Annual Holiday Projects were huge successes again this year.

Donations of checks, gift cards and loads of toys were given to the Fairfax Co. Firefighters and Friends to the Rescue organization.  Toys for the younger kids and gift cards for teens were distributed in December.

FF Distribution3 FF Distribution2
Britepathsdonations will be given to them this coming week and include checks and grocery store gift cards for their clients to use to purchase food items!

Couldn’t do this all without the support of our members and we thank you as well as the many other community members who supported these two very helpful organizations as they bring some holiday cheer to others in need!

FF and Britepaths Gift Gathering

Annual Holiday Projects 2023

Thursday, October 26th, 2023

Holiday Projects Flier  2023

Roadside Clean up on Sat., Sept. 27th, 10 – noon!

Wednesday, September 7th, 2022
Clean Up in the Name of the DWCNV!

Saturday, Sept 17th from 10AM – Noon

View as Webpage

As many of you know, the Democratic Women of Clifton and Northern Virginia (DWCNV) has adopted Clifton Road as a project through the Virginia Department of Transportation’s “Adopt-a-Highway” program. We clean up the road in the fall and in the spring, and the Department of Transportation picks up the trash bags we fill and gives us the honorary sign you see at the intersection of Clifton Road and Main Street.


This ongoing relationship has served us well since we have gotten many good comments from people who have seen our sign, and we help to keep our community beautiful at the same time. We need your help to keep this tradition going, and we will clean up on Saturday, September 17th (10am – noon). We will meet on the road going up to Clifton Elementary School.


We look forward to meeting many new members, and we provide the bags and the bright, shiny vests; all you need is a good pair of gloves. We are happy to sign approvals for middle school/high school “service hours”, and feel free to bring a friend or two with you!

Thank You!

Tuesday, January 25th, 2022

Thanks to all members who donated to our two Holiday Projects!

Your very much appreciated Holiday Projects grocery store gift cards and checks were delivered to Britepaths recently for distribution in January and February. This hard working organization and their excellent programs and staff support local needy families! For more info:
Pictured (L to R) Mila Cobos, Programs Manager; Jane Barker, DWCNV Co-Chair; Chris Garris, Programs Director


Time to be Thankful and Give Back!

Tuesday, November 16th, 2021

Annual Holiday Giving Meeting

Tuesday, November 9th, 2021

Members and Subscribers,

Our next meeting will be held virtually on Sunday, Nov. 14th, 5-7 p.m. and we will be hosting our Annual Holiday Giving Program. We will hear from leaders of the two organizations we urge you to support at this time of the year – Fairfax County Firefighters and Friends to the Rescue and Britepaths – on what they do, why, and what the needs are.

The Firefighters host a huge toy and coat drive for needy kids all over No. VA mostly through the schools. Britepaths collects grocery store gift cards of any amount for needy families and gives them out in January and February, after the holidays, when the need is the greatest.

How To Donate

You may donate to each organization by snail mailing a check made out to these organizations, or by mailing grocery store gift cards for Britepaths to DWCNV, P.O. Box 143, Clifton, VA 20124. Store gift cards to stores like Best Buy, Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc. will be given to older children to pick out their own gifts – you can mail those too us too. Toys will be given to pre-school and elementary aged school children and may be dropped off at two Clifton locations, mailed directly to us, or we can arrange for pick up. Write to us for addresses. Money from your checks are used by the Firefighters to purchase warm winter coats for the children. Deadline to donate to the Firefighters is Dec. 6th and for Britepaths, Dec. 31st.

You do not have to be a member to donate to these two worthy organizations. All you need is a generous spirit! Email us and we will send you more information: Members and subscribers of the DWCNV, you should have received emails about this with details, but happy to resend so just let us know!

We will also be discussing the election and hearing from some members of the General Assembly and community members on upcoming 2022 legislation and how you may advocate.

To register for this Zoom meeting contact us at After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the virtual meeting as we have done in the past.

Covid’s effects are still being felt by many families around here, so if you are able, please be generous.

We thank you in advance for giving! You make the world a better place!

We hope to “see” you on November 14th.
The DWCNV Steering Committee 

DWCNV Update

Wednesday, July 7th, 2021

The Democratic Women of Clifton and Northern Virginia (DWCNV) welcomes all Democratic women from Northern Virginia to join our organization.  We strive to build political awareness among members of our community, influence public policy, promote participation in political processes, and encourage connections between regional leaders and the local community. We do this through our educational meetings, newsletters, and our social events.

Now that we are getting back to in-person events and have selected our Democratic nominees, the DWCNV is looking forward to fun events, meetings, and campaigning for our Democratic candidates in the fall.   We have continued to inform our members of  campaign and political action opportunities through biweekly emails.

Monthly meetings have continued during the spring without interruption through now-familiar virtual formats.  In September and October, we will return to hosting in-person meetings, and in November we will host our Annual Pot Luck Dinner at a member’s home, the annual culmination of our Annual Holiday Projects collections for two local charities. We’ll be at our Democratic booth on Clifton Day, working for our candidates and providing absentee and other voting information.  Our members and potential members also plan on resuming our popular dinners at a local restaurant soon.  The Book Club takes the summer off but will also resume in person in September to select books for the year ahead.

Our Adopt-a-Highway program had a cleanup in early June and collected many bags full of trash (and auto parts) along Clifton Road from the triangle to Braddock Road.  We will have another cleanup in October and invite any members of the community to participate.  This is a great way for students or adults to complete community service hours and also perform an important service to the community.

For more information about our organization and activities, contact us at  You can also check out our website at and our Facebook page at