Hello! We welcome your interest in joining or subscribing to the Democratic Women of Clifton and Northern Virginia. We are a vital group of women from all walks of life who come together to learn about the issues of the day and work together to help our candidates in their campaigns for local, state, and national offices. Read about us and consider becoming a member of or subscriber to this active Northern Virginia organization.
- Make new friends and interact with like-minded women at monthly meetings where you will receive information on important issues and have your questions answered.
- Receive electronic Political Action Alerts on important issues such as the environment, immigration, health care, and gun rights and learn how to advocate for these.
- Receive the informative and thought-provoking DWCNV periodic newsletter.
- Learn how our national, state, and local governments work.
- Meet our local, state, and federal representatives and candidates for elected office at meetings and events and at our annual Candidate Forum.
- Work together on DWCNV-sponsored activities such as Clifton Day, the Adopt-A-Highway Program, parades and fundraisers.
- Participate in social gatherings sponsored by the DWCNV.
- Be informed about Democratic campaign events and volunteer opportunities.
- Become aware of other active Democratic groups and activities in our area.
- Join the Book Club and meet monthly with other DWC members in their homes to discuss selected books.
- Make a difference by participating in DWCNV service projects, such as our Holiday support of the Firefighters and Friends to the Rescue, Our Daily Bread and other local projects.
Please visit our Member/Subscriber page for more information.