General Meetings are held on Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5 PM at the Clifton Community Hall, 12641 Chapel Rd, Clifton, VA. Each meeting features speakers and social events that build relationships and strengthen communities. Social events are also held at member’s homes and local restaurants.
Newsletters are sent electronically with DWCNV news, articles and topics of interest.
Political Action Alerts are sent to members concerning local, state, and national issues.
Community Service Projects:
The Covenant House
The Children’s Defense Fund New Orleans
Magazines for Troops
Holiday gifts to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
Our Daily Bread/BritePaths grocery store food gift card and back to school program
Fairfax County Firefighters and Friends to the Rescue Holiday Toy and Coat Distribution
Toiletries collections for incarcerated women
Campaign volunteer information given to members at meetings, through emails and the monthly newsletter. DWCNV calling nights, canvassing events and staffing of community events such as Clifton Day are organized. We coordinate election day efforts with local Democratic Committees.
Our past meeting topics have included:
- Primary Election Candidate Forums
- Social Security
- Separation of Church and State
- The Environment – Local and Global Environmental and Energy Issues
- Women’s Issues – Women & Poverty, Women’s Health Issues, Equal Rights Amendment, Shattering the Last Glass Ceiling, Incarceration in Virginia
- Election Issues
- The Death Penalty
- The Middle East
- Campaign Finance Reform
- Annual General Assembly Session Legislation Previews and Reviews
- Our Children: Adoption, Foster Care, and Mentoring in Virginia
- School Board Issues
- Human Trafficking
- Domestic Violence
- Situational Awareness and Self-Defense
We will continue to follow School Board, County, General Assembly and Congressional activities on important issues.