Annual Meeting and A Save The Date for our 19th Anniversary Celebration
The Democratic Women of Clifton and Northern Virginia (DWCNV) will host our first meeting of the year on Sunday, January 21st, at the Centreville Regional Library (directions) from 3 to 5 p.m. WE NEED YOU TO BE THERE!
This will be our Annual Meeting when we will hear reports from the Steering Committee members. Officers for the Executive Committee (Co-Chairs, Secretary, and Treasurer) will be elected for a two-year term. Let us know if you would like to run for an office or become part of our Steering Committee. Please consider joining to share your ideas and talents.
Our meeting topic will be about the importance of electing Democrats to the Presidency and Congress. We will have guest speakers and audience participation from members is welcome. For an informed and lively discussion about how to achieve this goal, we look forward to seeing you on January 21st!
SAVE THE DATE – Sunday, February 11th
Celebrating DWCNV’s 19th Anniversary
Mark your calendars to help DWCNV celebrate our 19th Anniversary on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11th , 3-5 p.m., at the Fairfax Station home of a member.. Members and women guests will be celebrating not only our 19th Anniversary, but also the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. We will have a guest speaker to talk to us about why we must continue working to pass the ERA Amendment. Stay tuned for further details.
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on Friday, January 12th, 2024 at 7:42 pm and is filed under Community, Events, Member Messages.
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