DWCNV Update
The Democratic Women of Clifton and Northern Virginia (DWCNV) welcomes all Democratic women from Northern Virginia to join our organization. We strive to build political awareness among members of our community, influence public policy, promote participation in political processes, and encourage connections between regional leaders and the local community. We do this through our educational meetings, newsletters, and our social events.
Now that we are getting back to in-person events and have selected our Democratic nominees, the DWCNV is looking forward to fun events, meetings, and campaigning for our Democratic candidates in the fall. We have continued to inform our members of campaign and political action opportunities through biweekly emails.
Monthly meetings have continued during the spring without interruption through now-familiar virtual formats. In September and October, we will return to hosting in-person meetings, and in November we will host our Annual Pot Luck Dinner at a member’s home, the annual culmination of our Annual Holiday Projects collections for two local charities. We’ll be at our Democratic booth on Clifton Day, working for our candidates and providing absentee and other voting information. Our members and potential members also plan on resuming our popular dinners at a local restaurant soon. The Book Club takes the summer off but will also resume in person in September to select books for the year ahead.
Our Adopt-a-Highway program had a cleanup in early June and collected many bags full of trash (and auto parts) along Clifton Road from the triangle to Braddock Road. We will have another cleanup in October and invite any members of the community to participate. This is a great way for students or adults to complete community service hours and also perform an important service to the community.
For more information about our organization and activities, contact us at cliftonwomendems@aol.com. You can also check out our website at http://www.democraticwomenofclifton.org/ and our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/DWCNV.