General Meeting – October 11, 5-7 p.m.
Monday, October 5th, 2020The DWCNV will meet virtually on Zoom on Sunday, October 11th from 5-7 p.m. If you would like to join us, please email us at to receive meeting link.
The DWCNV will meet virtually on Zoom on Sunday, October 11th from 5-7 p.m. If you would like to join us, please email us at to receive meeting link.
It is a truth universally acknowledged … That what goes up, must come down
The US economy has entered the 11th year of economic growth, a record expansion. How long can that continue? Economists like to say that expansions don’t die of old age, so what will cause the next downturn?
Economics editor Heather Scott will explain where the experts are looking for signs of trouble and the data they watch. Denny Gulino, veteran economics journalist and editor, will focus on the longer term outlook for the US economy, including the implications of high debt levels, low productivity, and a paralyzed Congress.
We will also hear about unemployment being near a 50-year low, and black unemployment being the lowest on record, but wages have not kept pace. Is the job market really that good?
Economic data is neutral but can be cherry-picked to distort the picture. You will hear about how you should read the data to get a real picture.
A member of the Senate of Virginia will discuss the State’s economy.
And you will be able to ask your questions of the experts!
Please attend our Sunday, March 15th DWCNV meeting from 3-5 p.m. at the Clifton Town Hall, 12641 Chapel Road, Clifton, VA 20124. This meeting is open to the general public.
April 19th. DWCNV Annual Meeting on the Environment Details coming.
The Democratic Women of Clifton and Northern Virginia and the Springfield District Democratic Committee will host our Annual Meet and Greet and Candidate Forum on May 5th at 2-5 p.m. at the Clifton Town Hall, 12641 Chapel Road, Clifton, VA 20124.
We have invited Democratic candidates for the positions of Fairfax Co. Board of Supervisors Chair, Commonwealth’s Attorney, and At-Large School Board, to attend. Also invited are local uncontested candidates for the Virginia Senate, House of Delegates, Sheriff, Springfield Board of Supervisors, and the Endorsed Springfield District Democratic School Board candidate.
All Democrats from Northern Virginia are invited to attend. For details and tickets go here:
We are giving back to the Clifton Community and we hope you’ll join us. You do not have to be a member of the DWCNV to participate – all are welcome!
The Democratic Women of Clifton and Northern Virginia will host the annual Spring Cleanup Event on April 28 from 1pm to 4 pm. We’ll be picking up trash along part of Clifton Road from the triangle to Braddock Road.
Come on down and bring your friends! Sign up here:
Volunteers will meet in the driveway of Clifton Elementary, 7010 Clifton Road, Clifton, VA 20124. You can help out for an hour or the whole afternoon, whatever works for our volunteers. Participants will be given a safety vest and a quick safety briefing. You and your team will be assigned an area along the road. For safety reasons, we do not recommend bringing children under 12 years old.
If you have work gloves, please bring them. We recommend that volunteers wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts and sturdy shoes.
Thank you ahead of time for your service to the Clifton Community! See you there on April 28.
For questions, contact
We had a wonderful celebration of our 14th Anniversary on Feb. 10th at a member’s Clifton home with delicious food,cake, and discussions. Three DWCNV members who are candidates for elected office were there: Linda Sperling for Springfield District Board of Supervisors; Laura Jane Cohen for Springfield District School Board; and Rachna Heizer for Fairfax Co. School Board At-Large.
Our next meeting will be on Sunday, April 7th at 3-5 p.m. at the Clifton Town Hall. The topic will be on the Environment.
Our Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 20 at 3:00-5:00 p.m. at the Pohick Regional Library, 6450 Sydenstricker Road, Burke, VA 22015. Please note location change. The Clifton Town Hall is undergoing some remodeling now.
Our timely topic will be “Single Payer, Medicare for All, and Options for Expanding Health Care Coverage.” All are encouraged to attend.
Alison Cuellar, Professor, Health Administration & Policy at George Mason University, will talk about proposals for arriving at universal coverage including Medicare for All. There are many ways to consider single payer proposals, ranging from recent budget estimates, to shifts in public opinion, to what it might mean mean for consumers, health insurers, doctors, and hospitals. Professor Cuellar will provide an overview.
DWCNV is once again happy to participate in giving to others this holiday season by supporting two very worthy organizations – Britepaths and the Fairfax County Firefighters and Friends to the Rescue toy and coat drive.
Britepaths helps stabilize low-income working families in Fairfax County, and will welcome donations of grocery store gift cards of any amount or checks made out to Britepaths, until December 31st. Mail those to DWCNV, P.O. Box 143, Clifton, VA 20124.
Donations of unwrapped toys, local department store gift cards, and checks made out to Fairfax Co. Firefighters and Friends to the Rescue, are being collected until December 14th for distribution by the Firefighters and Friends on December 17th. Contact us for how to arrange for toy pick up or drop off and/or mail to DWCNV, P.O. Box 143, Clifton, VA 20124.
For more information on how to donate or questions, email . You do not have to be a member to participate. All donations are welcome!
General Meetings
Our October General Meeting will be held at the Clifton Town Hall from 3 to 5 p.m.. On November 18, we will gather at the Clifton home of two of our members for a potluck dinner and our annual Holiday Projects get-together.
Our Sunday, October 21 General Meeting topic will be “Persuasive Progressive Messaging,” with Alane Dashner of Swing Left. Just in time for the holidays, learn how to talk to Uncle Bert at the Thanksgiving table! Ms. Dashner has insights and suggestions for civil discourse that communicates a positive progressive message, especially when speaking to those with opposing views.
On November 18 we will hold our Annual Holiday Projects meeting and Potluck Dinner starting at 3 p.m. at the home of members. We will hear from leaders of the two charities we support: Britepaths and the Fairfax County Firefighters and Friends to the Rescue Toy Drive. You do not have to be a member to donate to the charities, and we will soon provide more information about how to donate.