
Adopt-A-Highway Fall Clean Up Community Service Project

We are giving back to the Clifton Community and we hope you’ll join us. You do not have to be a member to help out! All are welcome.
The Democratic Women of Clifton and Northern Virginia will host our annual
Fall Cleanup Event
Sunday, October 4th and Monday, 5th from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m..
We’ll be picking up trash along part of Clifton Road from the triangle in downtown, to Braddock Road.
Come on down and bring your friends! You can sign up at this link:
Volunteers will meet in the driveway of the old Clifton Elementary School, 7010 Clifton Road, Clifton, VA 20124. You can help out for an hour or two, on either or both days, whatever works for our volunteers.
Participants will be given a safety vest and a quick safety briefing. You and your team will be assigned an area along the road. For safety reasons, we do not recommend bringing children under 12 years old. For teens needing service hours, this is a great project.
If you have work gloves, please bring them. We recommend that volunteers wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts and sturdy shoes.
Thank you ahead of time for your service to our community! See you there on Oct. 4th and/or Oct. 5th.
Kind regards,
Elizabeth Hughes Blacklin
DWCNV Adopt-a-Highway Coordinator
Join Elizabeth Blacklin and her son Ian for good cleanup fun and exercise. Make some new friends!
Elizabeth and son Ian Blacklin

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